Scientific rationale

The last decade marked a breakthrough in the study of cosmic magnetism, from our Galaxy to the large-scale structure of the Universe. The unprecedented amount and quality of polarization data from the radio to the infrared bands started shedding light on the tight coupling between magnetic fields and interstellar matter. A new observational window is now open to understand the role of magnetic fields in the dynamical evolution of galaxies and star formation.

The growing development of ground-based single-dish and interferometric facilities at low radio frequencies, such as LOFAR, NenuFAR, CHIME, DRAO and the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) with its precursors, and their interface with higher-frequency instruments, like ALMA and NIKA2, will continue to unveil the complex relationship between matter and magnetization in the universe.

In this workshop supported by the Action Specifique CNRS SKA-LOFAR (, we propose to explore and discuss some of the promises and challenges that will be faced by polarimetric observations of synchrotron radiation at low-radio frequencies below the GHz window and highlight the potential of Faraday rotation as a tool to measure magnetic fields in the multiphase interstellar gas across cosmic scales.

In particular, the ability to master the complexity of present and future radio polarimetric observations will depend on our understanding of fundamental problems, from an accurate description of cosmic-ray propagation to the evolution of the ionization state across gas phases in the dynamical interstellar medium of galaxies and the Milky Way.

This two-day hybrid workshop aims at at fostering interaction among experts on cosmic magnetism. We welcome contributions from observers and modelers of galactic and intergalactic magnetism, with a particular focus on the future SKA observations.

This workshop will take place on 5-6 December 2022 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.


Important dates

Submission deadline for abstracts : 20/11/2022

Registration deadline : 06/12/2022 


Invited speakers

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